Last minute opportunities!

Doggie Bandannas for Dewey’s Golden Jubilee 2017!!

Limited quantities- Reserve yours now! Bandannas (29″ neckline) can be mailed until Monday (10/2 to have prior to event) or picked up at the Jubilee.
$10.00- Proceeds go to The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study.
To purchase or reserve :

Prints !

10% OFF regular price for our event AND 10% of proceeds from prints sold will be donated  to Jubilee. The two prints go together!

Click on links to see them both. Running Free – and Anticipation –



Banner now available !

24″W x 32″H banner or poster orders being taken.
The cost for the banner would be $45; Poster $30 for those picked up during Jubilee.

If shipped we’d need to add shipping costs. To order email